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Aileen Wen McGroddy ’21

Aileen is a director based out of Providence and New York. Trinity Rep: Marisol (Assistant Director). Brown/Trinity Rep: The Late Wedding, Dumb Waiter, The Tempest, Summer and Smoke. Other Theatres: Throwback Island, On the Y-Axis, Akira Kurosawa Explains his Movies and Yogurt, Writing is Live; The Chinese Lady, The Kitchen Theatre and Geva Theatre Center; Or, and Dani Girl, The Winnipesaukee Playhouse; Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Musical, Emerald City Theatre; Montauciel Takes Flight, Lifeline Theatre; Ulysses, The Plagiarists and The Whiskey Rebellion; Wake: A Folk OperaThe Whiskey Radio Hour, Sign of Rain, The Whiskey Rebellion; A Hero’s Journey, The Forks & Hope Ensemble. Other: Aileen has an MFA in Directing from Brown/Trinity Rep. She is a current 2050 fellow at New York Theatre Workshop, the BOLD Resident Director at Northern Stage, and a Co-Artistic Director of TUTA. 

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