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Trinity Rep’s Artistic Director Named in Recognition of Generous Gift

PROVIDENCE: Trinity Rep announces it received a generous multi-year donation from Trustee Laura H. Harris to support the organization’s dedication to company, community, education, and anti-racism. In celebration of this commitment, Trinity Rep’s artistic director position, held by Curt Columbus, will be named “The Laura H. Harris Artistic Director” through December 2026. 

“Laura Harris is a great woman of the theater who loves great, live storytelling,” The Laura H. Harris Artistic Director Curt Columbus said. “She has been a friend and fellow traveler [on Trinity Rep’s theater-going trips] for many years now, and a valued board member for over a decade. From the first time I sat with her to discuss Trinity Rep over drinks at a little bar in London, I knew that she would always be an important part of my life as a theater artist. Now, more than ever, this is true. I am so thrilled to share my title with her name.” 

Said Laura H. Harris, “I couldn’t be more honored than to attach my name to Curt Columbus, whose passion and knowledge of theater have truly transformed Rhode Island’s State Theater into even more of a gem. Thank you, Curt!” 

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