A Reflection on Project Discovery

2/11/20 By Andy Goff Many of my students have never seen a live performance in the theater. When an opportunity...

Trinity Rep is Your Home for Dramatic Discoveries

11/25/19 Nationally Celebrated Founded in 1963, Trinity Rep has long been nationally recognized for excellence and innovation. The company received...

What Your Annual Fund Gift Supports

10/29/19 You might be surprised how much of an impact the donors to our Annual Fund have. Numbering over 2,000...

Tom Parrish on “A Christmas Carol”

10/29/19 Tom Parrish THANK YOU for making Trinity Repertory Company and A Christmas Carol a part of your holiday season....

To My Friends, from Curt: A Christmas Carol

10/29/19 Dear friends, Curt Columbus WELCOME to our annual production of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Trinity Repertory Company’s...