Updates and Thanks from Trinity Rep’s Executive Director Tom Parrish

Tom Parrish 9/26/18 As we embark on a new season of world-class theater and educational programming, I felt it important...

Getting the Outside Inside in Othello and Native Gardens

6/11/2018 by Caitlin Howle With the 2017-18 season officially over - we thought we’d let you behind the scenes as...

Native Gardens Tea

4/20/2018 by Rachel Playe of Radia Herbs We’re starting to see plants waking up from their winter hibernation and growing...

Meet Daniel Duque-Estrada

4/18/2018 by Braxton Crewell Before rehearsals began for Native Gardens, Trinity Rep’s Braxton Crewell got to know more about Daniel...

Why Use Native Plants in Your Garden?

4/10/2018 By Karen Asher, RI Wild Plant Society I give a presentation, “Ecosystem Gardening with Wildflowers,” across the state for...

The Most Interesting Things Happen on the Edges

4/6/2018 Rebecca Noon is our Community Engagement Coordinator and has been at Trinity Rep for four years. This is her...

To My Friends, From Curt: Native Gardens

4/4/2018 Dear Friends, As spring awakens all around us, we thought it would be a nice time to turn our...

Native Gardens Ushers in Spring

3/27/2018 by Rebecca Noon One of the pleasures of working at Trinity Rep is getting to know the up-and-coming plays...